MONOCLE FEAST: Saturday 28th June 2025

MONOCLE FEAST: Saturday 28th June 2025


LOCATION: The Monocle Cafe, 72b Chestergate, Macclesfield, SK11 6DY

DATES: Saturday 28th June - 7.00-10.00pm - £50/head

DRINKS: Available to purchase on evening

NOTES: A joyful celebration of delicious food to brighten up even the gloomiest of January evenings. Cosy up inside the Monocle Cafe and let us feed you…


1: roasted red pepper, chickpea & chilli dip

2: goat’s cheese & caramelised onion tarte tatin

3: hasselback tahini roasted squash

with feta and peach couscous / cavolo nero Caesar salad / fennel, roasted lemon and tomato salad / sticky tender stem, soy, ginger and red pepper salad

4: monocle cake and cream

5: white chocolate raspberry truffles

Menu may vary slightly due to seasonal produce availability

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